Sunday, March 22, 2015

Nicki, Nicki Manage why?

Nicki, Nicki, Nicki... Why?

The ever so... Interesting... Nicki Manage is at it again after releasing a lyric version of her newest song, "Only". While this is simply a lyric video she released, Manage still managed to get everyone fired up and talking. What is it that got people stirring you're wondering? Well, in the video it depicts a cartoon version of a hip hop, nazi Germany. Yep, good job Nicki, now everyone thinks you hate Jews.
Nicki then fired back saying she is now dating a Jew. I'm sure he loves the endearing term, no name, just that he's Jewish.
So, here we go... What do you think? I'll include a link to the video. Reminder the lyrics are rather explicit, so watch at your own risk. Did the rap diva take it too far this time? Or is it a simple piece of art?
Here's what I think...  Nicki, well she's doing what every artist is trying to do, gain attention and popularity. I'm not saying that I like what she did, but it's her right to showcase her art however she pleases. As I have stated before, even bad publicity is still publicity. It get people talking. It gets your name out there and gets them talking around the water cooler. Like I said, I don't like it, but I don't like her, but she did what she wanted us all to do, and that's talk about her. So, I give ear credit there.
As for bringing the image of Nazi Germany into this, well, I mean it is part of history, but she includes Drake in the video as a priest of some kind and the others, which I don't even remember their names or care to double check, that's how much I care about them... But the others are as what looks to be like higher ranking officers in the Nazi army. Yeah... I'm not even sure what the song has to do with what her cartoon video is. The song is filled with the "F" word and horrible raps.
So, good job Nicki, you got people talking about you! I still think you're an idiot though. And if you're offended by the video, my advice to you is, well, don't watch it. When I am offended by things, I tend to stay away from it, not dwell on it and few the situation fuel.

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