Saturday, April 4, 2015

Long Live AD/DC

Imagine being a nurse or an aide at a nursing home. You start your shift, dragging your feet because you are dreading the work day. You're told there is a new resident in the home and you will be taking care of him. Before you start roaming the halls you put in an earbud and Back in Black is first on the shuffle list... You didn't take the time to read up on your new resident because, you're just not feeling it. You sigh and open the door, and who is it you see in the room. Malcolm frickin' Young. The quite guitar playing brother from AC/DC.
Now, this didn't happen, but the talented Young brother is indeed in a nursing home these days, and no longer touring beside his band mates. The 61 year old guitarist was placed in a nursing home by his wife this year due to dementia. Young's band mates had stated that he had been having trouble remembering the music during one of the last tours, and decided it was time to move forward.
It's hard to believe these rock gods that I have looked up to for so many years are now becoming unable to preform the way they used to. Brian Johnson, now lead singer of AC/DC struggled to hit his once strong rock notes, Ozzy tries to stay sharp with his music, but from years of heavy drugs struggles. Pete from The Who, one of the greatest guitar players of all time, struggles with the quickness of playing Pinball Wizard. Ronnie Jame Dio is dead.
Rock is becoming a thing of the past. Music out fathers and mothers used to die for are becoming classics, and music isn't measuring up to how it once was. It's sad to think that I will never have the chance to live in the glory of all of these bands I have listened to for so many years. It breaks my heart to hear the popular music on the radio today having no depth to it.
Malcolm, I hate to say it, but you're probably going to be happier with the music world by not knowing what's going on in it. You classic rock gods paved the way for rock music only for my generation to tear it down. Best of luck to Malcolm and his wife, and his former band mates. Even though Malcolm's brother was always the star of the show, my quiet man, Malcolm will always be my favorite of the Young brothers.

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