Thursday, November 6, 2014

Jenner and The Gentleman

Another Kardashian report coming your way. Kylie Jenner sure has been stirring up a lot of talk now that she is in her mid teens. Now reports of the  17 year old Jenner is dating 24 year old celebrity, Tyga. The two have been spotted traveling together and spending time together whenever possible.

Now we all know at least on of the older sisters had to put her nose into the situation, and Kim was the first. It is reported that Kim does not approve of the relationship, but saying it's not because of the age.  So, try to follow me on this... Tyga had a child with a woman bed Blac Chin, who is friends with Kim. Kim says the Kylie is breaking some kind of unwritten girl code, by seeing Tyga. Oh, to be rich and famous... So, the age doesn't seem to be striking a nerve with the family. Although in October, Kris said the couple was in fact not a couple. I don't believe it.

So, I really want to know, this this relationship a big deal? Does age really matter when it comes to a relationship? It's not like she's 17 and he's 37. Here's what I have to say... No, it is not an issue at all. If this Tyga is treating Kylie right, then there is no problem what so ever. Age does not determine if a relationship can be successful or not. In fact, it all depends on the couples individual maturity level and what kind of relationship they are each looking for.

If Tyga wants to be with Kylie and Kylie want to be with him, then let them be. They're aren't hurting anyone. There are much worse things to worry about rather than look at their age and judge them. Who are we to judge? I say more power to them, and I hope the couple lasts.

Now, I don't blame the two for trying to keep their relationship under wraps for a while. I'm sure the age difference takes its toll on them, but as I stated before, it does not matter as long as it is a healthy relationship. Let them be.

So, there you go. Leave them alone to be happy, world. And as for the girl code, well, that's an issue Kim needs to discuss with her sister and figure out. Kim probably just wants to make sure we all know who she is. Don't worry, Kim, we do.


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