Wednesday, November 12, 2014

There's Always Next Year to Take the Crown...

There's Always Next Year to Take the Crown...

The Kansas City Royals fought long and hard, but it still didn't seem to cut it in the final game of the 2014 World Series. Kansas City went back and fourth with the San Francisco Giants, losing the lead, tiring it up and then taking the lead, only to lose it in the end.

Let's g ahead and say the Royals have played the best they ever have... Ever. Even better than the 1985 World Series team. It came down to the wire. One out left, bottom of the 9th, one out left before the Giants take the title. Alex Gordon is up to bat. The fans hold their breath for the 2014 George Brett of the the team. Gordon makes contact and hit a triple. The outfield fumbles a tad and the Royals have a chance. Should Gordon have gone home... Yes, but we can't go back in time. Up next Salvedor Prez. Earlier in the game, Salvy was beamed with a 90 mile an hour ball. It's do or die now. All Salvy has to do is get Gordon home. Tie up the game to go into extra innings. A few pitches, a few fouls. This is it. Salvy swings, makes connection... Out. The Giants storm the field as though their life is now complete. Even though they have won 4 time within the last 10 years.

The Royals say congratulations to the Giants by turning the fountains orange for the remainder of the stadium being open that evening. Kansas City fans leave the stadium with the a slight sadness, but they leave with pride too, a sense that we should be proud that we had made it that far.

The underdogs for many years, finally came through and almost took the crown. We are proud of our team and our boys. And you know what, there is always next year. And I tell you, that team is going to come back even more fired up than before. They know they have it in them and they will be even more determined to show the world that they can be the champions of Major League Baseball.

So, be proud boys, be proud Kansas City, be proud fans all over America. And congrats to the Giants, you played well and hard, and in the end, it was a fair, good series. But, We showed the world that we are still strong and we won't back down. See you next year baseball season. I know I'll be ready to take the crown.

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