Thursday, January 15, 2015

I Have a Confession About TSwift...

Let's take a moment to discuss this new issue I am having trouble dealing with. It's hard to admit, and I'm quite embarrassed to do so, but I simply can not help it. I'm going to be brave here, and say something that might shock many of you. Some of you may hate me, some of you may love me even more, but this is going to be very difficult. Even more difficult than me coming out as gay. Are we all ready? (Deep breath...) Ok, I... I... I LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT. That's right! I have fallen in love with her new pop hits that have taken over the radio waves. I can't help it, I just can't. It's all so catchy and fun to sing, and I hate Taylor and myself for it, but dammit, I love her new music.

Wow, now that that just happened let's take a moment to recap that I do still enjoy my classic rock bands, modern rock bands, and I still have respect for myself and still dislike Nickleback. But, TSwift has done something to many of us that we simply cannot explain. Why did she make us love her? Why has she done this?? I can't help but crank up the stereo when I hear Shake It Off. I even do a little dance in my car when it happens. And Blank Space... I can't. I can't even. I love the song and the music video. She's making fun of herself in the video. How can you not like someone who has the capability of making fun of themselves?

I used to hate TSwift and everything about her. Her music, her insanity, the fact that all of her songs are about petty relationships she has had since she was 14, but now, it's like she's grown up and is actually doing something that people can enjoy. She is making us fall in love with her. I don't know how she's doing it. Every time I hear her songs in the car I just have to sing. It's like I'm part of the TSwift cult now, and it scares me, I'm not going to lie. But, I'm just going to have to take this day by day until I fully accept my love for her and her music.

So, now that I have that on my chest, I feel I can continue blogging being my true self. You all deserved to know what I have been hiding for quite some time now. If you hate me, well, the haters gunna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, but I'm just gunna shake it off, shake it off. :)

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