Thursday, January 8, 2015

Belieber's Need to Calm Down

Belieber's Need to Calm Down

50 Cent, rapper, big time tough guy in the early 2000's, is now being bashed by 12 year old girls for misspelling teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber's name. Apparently the rapper tweeted that people should stop following the idiot heartthrob of music, saying he's a baby, but once he posted Bieber's name spelled "Beiber" 12 year old females around the world cried out against the rapper. 50 cent went on to say he doesn't want to be put up against Bieber fans because they won't let anything get by them.

So, I'm not even going to ask you of blogger world any questions, because this irritates me more than you know. Back off Cindy from Michigan, Bieber doesn't know who you are, doesn't care who you are, and will never be in love with you the way you hope he one day will. He's an idiot, and you young girls need to set your standards a little higher. Go for someone with some talent or something. You know what, they don't even need that much talent, just go for someone with half a brain, and who doesn't think they are God's gift to this earth. 50 cent was shot nine times for Gods sake, and he's afraid of the troop of tweens that are now out for blood because he misspelled Bieber's name. I will spell that idiots name however I please. In fact, for the rest of this blog, Bieber will now be referred to as Idiot. That's his new name. Hate on me, I dare you.

Now, don't get me wrong, some of his music is catchy, and I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I don't have some of Idiot's songs on my iPod, but what I can tell you is his involvement with drugs, his excessive partying and other shenanigans are uncalled for. People make excuses for him and they say he's being made an example of because he is famous. Or that he's young, and we all do stupid things when we are young, which we do, but most 18 year old's that are doing stupid stuff aren't wrecking $100,000 vehicles, and then managing to get out of going to jail because they have so much money they can buy their way out. He needs to be made an example of.

Anyway, we got so far off topic it isn't even funny, but I feel better and that's all that really matters here. Bottom line, I like 50 cent more that Idiot (Bieber, in case you forgot that is his name now). And for all you tween girls out there, calm your shit.


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