Friday, April 24, 2015

Why I hate E!

I hate it so much that flames, flames on the side of my face

So this is a blog about music which is a thing that is often ruined by sites like E! And sadly this makes me very angry and it does most people. Now this is a little off topic but lets talk first lady news.
“Michelle Obama says Sasha and Malia Watch E!” Ok, I’m not sure where to begin… I have no idea how to start this rant. Why in the world do I care if her children are watching E!, and why in the hell does this need to be an article? I mean really, the only reason this caught my attention was because it made me think of how much Mrs. Obama irritates me. And for all of you out there that are going to say I’m a Republic, Obama hating, close-minded bigot, no I’m not. I’m not Republican, I don’t hate anyone, and I most certainly am not a bigot, I just simply do not understand why this needs to be an article.
Now, as I read the short article Michelle was there to talk about an up and coming National Summer Learning Day Fair and how it gets young people ready for college and life, and other things that I’m going to have to worry about in the very near and scary future. But why E!, why did you take one thing Michelle said about her girls watching E! and turn it into a headline?! I get that you are trying to seem cool and popular, but come on!
We have managed to turn our president and his wife into Hollywood. They are out hob knobbing with celebs at awards and galas, inviting popular singers and performers to the White House. I feel we need to keep politics with politics and keep Hollywood IN HOLLYWOOD. Let’s no merge the two, please and thank you.
So, good for you Mrs. Obama for doing something good for the youth of tomorrow, even though sometimes your ideas aren’t good at all, but you’re trying, so I’ll give you that. But, shame on you E! for making a stupid article. It’s well written, and I’m not judging the author, but let’s find something better to write about. I’m sure you can find something better to write about in the world of nudes, Kim, and Amanda Bynes.

Rant complete. Thank you and goodnight!


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