Friday, April 17, 2015

Iggy and Britney... This Should be a Hot Train Wreck...

Apparently early Saturday morning, an interesting thing happened. A video of Iggy A. and Britney S. was leaked. No, it's not what you're thinking... not as hot as you're thinking. It's a music video of the two who have recently came together to do a song together. Now, you may be thinking what I'm thinking. What the hell could these two be doing? Don't get me wrong I love 1999 Britney just as much as the next, and I have a slight guilty pleasure for Iggy, but the white rapper who sounds black, and our, now put together, southern belle (except not really) doing music together. Well, I'll give it a shot.

After Iggy found out about the leak she asked fans to please not share the link because it's not an early release, just a leak. She's happy that the fans have taken to the music already, but it's not time yet people. Fans are for the first time hearing Iggy actually sing too! Which, apparently people were wondering who was singing with Spears when they listened to the song. Iggy tweeted and said "That's me singing the chorus with Britney. I guess you guys have never heard my singing voice before."

Fans seem to be taking a liking to what is about to happen with these two. But what do you think? Is this collaboration a good idea, or simply another pop music failure upon us? I'm not sure what to think... It could go either way. I have managed to stray away from the song and video so I can't actually give my opinion on it yet. But, let it be known that when the song is released I will be one of the first who buy with the mind set of expecting the worst, yet hoping for the best. Once again, judge this rock music lover for having the guilty pleasures of today's horrible pop music. I like it and always will.


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