Sunday, October 26, 2014

Honey, Who is That in Your Insta Photos...?

Honey, Who is That in Your Insta Photos...?

We all know how I have an undying, true love for the Kardashian clan. I love all of them equally. I even love Bruce's kids from his old ex wife. So, while I was doing my weekly search on the Kardashian clan, I ran across an interesting article regarding the up and coming younger girls. While the older three still have their faces in the spotlight, Kendall and Kylie are becoming a more popular face on the Hollywood scene. Well, little Miss Kylie was the star of this article and not in a good way.
This interesting article I found was about the wonders of Instagram and what it can do for you, and what it can do for you in the case of Kylie. Let's get right to it, honey, what are you doing? That doesn't really look like you in any of your selfies? You look like a young little, well, I'm not sure, but it doesn't look like you in those pictures. In fact, I'm no sure who that looks like. Maybe you in 20 years? Or maybe you're getting a face transplant between selfies? I don't know, but the article is right, you look completely different in your Insta pics though.
While Instagram is a wonderful thing, we are focusing too much on looking pretty in a selfie and not focusing on things that we should be. Don't get me wrong, I take my fair share of selfies too, but at least you can tell it's me in all of them. Girls are too concerned with getting the perfect angle and perfect filter, but then when you see them in person, you wonder what happened to the girl in the Insta picture.
Also, as we all know the stunning Rene Z is in the headlines for, well being not her. I'm telling you, that woman in those photos are not Bridget Jones... I don't know who that is, but wherever she is, the imposter needs to return my Rene immediately.
But in all seriousness, we need to start teaching young girls it's ok to have flaws. It's ok to not look perfect or thin in every picture because we all have off days. We all have days we look like we have been hit by a bus. But it's ok, ladies. Don't doctor yourself up.
I had someone tell me everyday how they loved my flaws, how they were beautiful, and them telling me that made me lovey self a little more. No one is perfect, and your imperfections are what make a person beautiful.
So, Kylie, honey, you're a beautiful girl as is. Don't hide behind makeup, angles and filters. You don't need them. You are amazing as is. Don't be taken in by Botox, lypo, implants and any other plastic surgery. Stay beautiful as is.

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