Sunday, October 19, 2014

Who Killed Joan?

Who Killed Joan?

Ok, we all know that the late Joan Rivers died of deprivation of oxygen to the brain, but her surviving daughter Melissa Rivers choose not to have an autopsy done on her mother. Which may be surprising to some, well, is surprising to most of us. We all know the Rivers family has more than enough money to have the procedure done, but because of Melissa’s distraught state, she decided to bypass the autopsy. Her wishes were honored because there was no evidence that there was any criminal activity involved.

So, I always like to ask you, the reader to put yourself in the situation and think about what you would have done. So, did Melissa make the right choice with her mother and not doing the autopsy? Should we maybe always wonder if something else happened in that operating room? I mean, Joan was a famous comedic icon, would someone possibly want to harm her? We’ll never know, and maybe asking these questions is ridiculous, but if it were me, I would want the piece of mind.

There are several Hollywood deaths that will forever remain unsolved, we’ll never really know the real cause of Marilyn Monroe’s death, and there will always be a conspiracy around the death of the late and great Kurt Cobain. Should it be mandatory that autopsy’s are preformed on those who are in the spotlight? I mean, when you’re in the eye of the people there is a better chance that someone might be “out to get you”. Did Courtney kill Kurt? Was Norma Jean’s death because of the Kennedy’s? Was Joan actually murdered on the operating table? We’ll never know. And even if Melissa had an autopsy preformed on her mother, it is always possible that someone could pay someone else off and make it as though it was an accident.

I honestly think that Joan was a little too old to be having all the work done she was getting, and I don’t feel there was any foul play in her death, but if I were in Melissa’s shoes I would have wanted a definite answer. But maybe that’s not the way to look at things. What good would it do to really know? I mean, she’s already gone, it’s not like an exact reason for someone’s death is going to bring them back, but maybe it can bring those morning a piece of mind.

So, there’s you daily conspiracy theory. Believe it if you want, think about it if you have the time, or ignore my rambling. Nonetheless, we all miss you, Joan.


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