Sunday, October 12, 2014

It’ssssss Back… AHS: Freak Show

It’ssssss Back… AHS: Freak Show

            Well, freaks and freaketts, it’s back, the glorious thrill seeking, disturbing television show that we all look forward to every Halloween season, American Horror Story. This season we as viewers are taking a look into the 1950’s Freak Show scene. Freaks from all walks of life are being introduced to us in this season, many of which actually have rare conditions that they have learned to embrace.
            As we all know, this is the fourth season of AHS and they have taken us on quite a journey the past four years. The first season was about a Haunted House, and I’m not going to lie, I definitely did not watch that one, because, well, I didn’t know the show existed yet. But, the next season, I was all over it, AHS: Asylum was creepy, shocking and almost too much to handle at times. We were taken back to around of the 1950’s insane asylums, and go on a journey of a crazy nun, insane doctor and several patients. Season three was decent, AHS: Coven we looked into the lives of witches. It was all right, not my favorite, but that doesn’t matter, because now we’re here with Freak Show.
            We begin with a strange murder and are quickly introduced to a two-headed woman. The stunning Jessica Lange is the ringleader of a Freak Show in Florida, and sneaks into where the girls (two-headed woman) are being held in a hospital and kept under a close watch because they are being accused of the murder. Jessica Lange sneaks them out and introduces them to the family of freaks she has created and kept safe for many years. She knows these girls are going to be the spotlight for her show, and are going to make the Freak Show the money they have been looking for for years.
            So, there of course there is a lot more that happens, but I don’t want to spoil it all for you because you HAVE to watch it. There’s a creepy killer clown, a bearded lady, rich, stuffy folks, and not to mention Jessica Lange singing David Bowie, but other strange things take place, but what do we expect, it American Horror Story.
            So, what do I think of this season? Well, I think it’s Freaking (Get it, I think I’m puny at times.) awesome. I think there are going to be a lot of plot twists and turns we are going to experience, and it’s interesting to take a look into what a popular attraction was like during that particular time period. Seeing as though my generation will never get to experience old time Cony Island.  


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