Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Music in November

Christmas Music in November

Okay, let's get a few things straight here (not me, obviously... Hope I made you chuckle there) Christmas is in December, NOT November. So, riddle me this blogger world, why is it when I flip through radio stations on my way to school I hear the piercing sound of Christmas music pumping through my speakers? Now, I would understand if people were all about early Christmas music, but I have never once heard someone say, "I wish they would start playing their holiday music just a little sooner." So what the hell KDAT?!? That's right, I'm calling you out specifically.
Don't get me wrong, KDAT has gotten better. One year, they started playing it the beginning of November and well, the learned their lesson on that one, but let's keep learning, okay. No one wants to hear it 24/7, period.
Now, you may be wondering why I'm so angry. "Maddy, there are other stations you can listen to." And you're right, there are. But, I also like to get my fix of Pat Bennitar and the occasional Dixy Chicks song. Judge me, I dare you.
I simply get tired if Christmas being a holiday that pretty much starts in October now. I mean, how long until we say screw it and make it year round? I give that idea about 5 years. So, remember to refer to this blog in about five years.
Maybe I'm a grinch or maybe I have common sense and an ear for decent music, but whichever it may be, chill out with the Christmas music already. And that goes for retail stores too. Enough is enough. I don't need jingle bells blasting through the store while I'm picking up eggs.
Merry Christmas, and remember, we can love the holidays without Christmas music in November.

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