Friday, December 19, 2014

Damn, Jamie Lynn...

Damn, Jamie Lynn...

Earlier this week sister of pop star princess, Britney Spears, Jamie Lynn showed what she's got by breaking up a fight before grabbing some grub at a Pita Pit in LA. If you have the time I suggest you go check out this beautiful security camera piece of art of Jamie Lynn running behind the counter to grab a rather large knife for a tiny lady, and proceed to break up the fight. TMZ released the video, and I'll say it again, go check it out, it's beyond worth it.

Now, here's what's sort of running through my head when I watch this video... Jamie, my dear girl, what the hell are you thinking?? You are a mother for heavens sake, you can't be jumping into a fight with a knife, it's too dangerous. What if your knife came face to face with someones gun. Who's going to win that battle? Let me give you a hint... Not you, Jamie. And even though you're not as famous as your sister, that doesn't mean that's going to stop them from hurting you. Fame or fortune doesn't matter when it comes to people who are out to hurt others.

So, here's my question to you blogger world... did Jamie Lynn, tiny, young blonde, do the right thing by jumping in the break up this fight? Or was it pure stupidity when she has a young child at home to take care of? Here's what I think, stay out of it. You have a child, they need you, don't put yourself in harms way unless it is threatening the life of your child. Then, pull a knife, gun, whatever to protect your child, but just stand back when it comes to fights you have nothing to do with. I can guarantee you if the person I am with now heard I jumped in on a fight with a knife, and we had a child, she would be downright pissed. Then again, my lady is quite the protector. But still, I'm not sure I would jump in. Now, if I didn't have a child, maybe I would try to break it up, but even then, I would fear a little for my life. Maybe calling the police would be a better choice. Or maybe she did the right thing here, maybe too many of us stand back and don't do anything which leads to murders, raping, and other horrible situations.

So, either way, right or wrong, Ms. Jamie Lynn, I'm impressed by you, I think you're stupid, but impressed that you weren't afraid to get a little dirty and jump in to help someone out. Next time though, just be a little more careful.


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