Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Take Me to Church, Hozier

Take me to Church by Hozier is not just crazy good song with a great rhythm and variety. It is a song that tells a painful sad but well written story. When first listening to the song, the lyrics are rather confusing. Singer and songwriter wrote the beautiful piece it was clear he wanted the message to be something you had to think about. A song you had to search for the meaning of. The song contains and large amount of symbolism and imagery. The lyric "Drain the Whole Sea, get something shiny, something meaty for the main course, that a fine looking high horse." stands out to me because obliviously he isn't really referencing  to sea or fine horses, the meaning is deeper. To me the sea represents draining everything that you are for the person you love giving them that "something shiny" (your love) but also "something meaty" (day to day love for them). The song has such a deeper meaning then  just the words sung by the amazing Hozier himself.

Intense. If you have seen the music video to this amazing so g you know what I'm talking about when I say intense. And if you haven't seen it, I suggest you check it out because it has a great message with an ending that will keep your jaw dropped for at least a few seconds. Here's a link to it if you are interested.
To sum it but it is basically the story of two gay men who get caught being together by the leader of some kind of cult against gays. Being gay myself this video hit home and made me incredibly sad. Sad because I know that stuff like this does happen. I know that no matter how far our society comes, there will also be those people ripping us down, trying to take us back to the dark ages. The video is moving and equally as spectacle as the song itself. You are have not check out either make sure you do so as soon as possibly can. Get those little thumbs typing and spread the message this amazing song relays to you. Spread it to all those close minded people and show them that love is LOVE and that the only thing keeping them from realizing that is fear. Fear of someone who isn't exactly like you. Teach those fearful people that no matter your age, gender,  or ethnicity, it's all the same love. Spread the word.

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