Sunday, December 21, 2014

High School Never Ends, Bowling for Soup

The title of this sweet song with a simply catchy rhythm is pretty self explanatory. High School Never ends is by a somewhat well known band called Bowling for Soup. The band somehow perfectly describes that terrible experience of high school and how it never seems to end, no matter how old you are. Some disagree with the words of the song while others like me completely agree and are sad to admit that high school does in fact never end. I mean think about it you grow up, you graduate you go to college which is basically high school with more alcohol and sex and less bullies, but still as many assholes. After that you go out and get a "real job" and at this real job it still seem to matter who you are friends with, what kind of car you drive, and whose having sex. All of these thing being lines taken directly from the song and all stand to be true at least in the cases I have experienced. Some people love the fact that high school never seems to end in some sense at least. Others like me dread this because let's face it high school blows.      
"Reese Witherspoon,
 She’s the prom queen
 Bill Gates,
 Captain of the chess team
 Jack Black, the clown
 Brad Pitt, the quarterback
 I’ve seen it all before
 I want my money back"
these lyrics happen to stand out the most to me because let's face it all of those things are probably true. Me to this is just yet another way to show that high school does in fact, sadly, never end. Now I am not saying that just because you were a loser in high school means that what you will be the rest of your life. I mean look at Bill Gates, I bet he didn't have all the ladies and a cool car, but he sure does now. Now he has more money then he knows what to do with. I want to have that kind of life after high school, let's be honest.
I am not going to be one of those who comes back after high school and brags about how perfect their life is now and how much money they make. I won't gloat or brag, ok maybe I will brag a a little :) but as far as tho killer song goes it is almost always true and is definitely one of my favorite throwbacks to early 2000's and like I said super fun to play on the guitar! Listen to it now if you haven't yet!

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