Sunday, December 21, 2014

Bittersweet Symphony, The Verve

         So I am not one to pick favorites when it comes to anything. Movies, books, songs, or anything really. But, I do have to say, that if someone asked me, gun to my head what my favorite song in the entire world and galaxy, I would have to pick Bittersweet Symphony by the Verve. The slow, intense beat alone will hook you instantly. It's like a song I have never heard before. The music for it is so simply that it makes it that much more beautiful. For me I'm not about all the big guitar riffs and crazy drum solos, don't get me wrong the stuff is super sweet and I applaud the talented musicians who pull these solos off. I'm just saying while all that is super cool and impressive I prefer something slower, something with a killer rhythm and beat, and of course a song with the incredibly powerful lyrics that almost bring you to tears even after you have heard the song  five-thousand times is even better. I prefer a song like Bittersweet Symphony, it has all of those things and so much more. It's a song that helped me when I was down, not sure why because its kind of depressing, but aren't most great songs kind of terribly sad or depressing? At least all the one I like are, maybe that's just me. The point is if you haven't listened to this amazingly, awesome, spectacular, killer song, first off you have been living under a rock for 10 years and second off you are crazyyyy! Do it now!!!!!

        For me this song personally means a lot. Although it didn't come out when my parents were getting divorced, it still helped me a lot during this difficult time. That sounds weird I know, you are thinking bro this is a super depressing song to listen to again during that time, but I don't know at the time I didn't see it that way, I saw it has an uplifting kind of song. Don't ask me why because I go back now and realize how truly depressing it is but I mean maybe it helped me because I'm sorry to say it but It is the ugly truth. With lines like " you're a slave to money than you die." you know that sounds awful but think about it, I mean that is very true. Money often takes over people's lives, sucking them in, making them think that is the only way they can be happy. I know from experience that money is not the only thing you need to be happy, though it does help. Point is this a killer, well-written, and beautifully performed song that helped me a lot when going through a tough time and it could do the same for you, so check it out.

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