Sunday, May 3, 2015

Lady Gaga once again

So lady gaga had an amazing performance at the Oscars and I mean amazinggggg. I loved it so much. It really showcased her classical voice instead of the bubbly just dance voice. It truly showed her skill as an artist and reminded us all how amazing and inspirational she is. But lets remember her and Just dance, everything's ok, she's still alive, just not reigning queen like she had been for the past few years. Lady Gaga, has sort of fallen wayside over the past few years and that leaves us wondering, where did our queen monster go? I have a few opinions on where she might be or what might have happened to her. I'm not saying I'm correct, but it's just my thought.
Side note while I'm at it, anything that I write about music is strictly my opinion. I am neither right or wrong and my taste in music is no better than yours. I simply state what I feel and move forward. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect all music, yes even country. So, with that being said, we shall continue.
Our queen monster is notorious for stirring up controversy with her crazy costumes, erratic behavior and racy lyrics and music videos, but where did our 21st century Madonna go?
Well, I'm thinking she rose to the top, stayed there for a while, and is slowly sliding back down. She had her years as number one after pumping out hit after hit on our stereo speakers, but like anything, all good things must come to an end. Our queen become very thin and a tad ill about a year ago and has slid out of the limelight for a while. Don't get me wrong, she's still around, just not number one like before.
Gaga shook up the mid 2000's with dance hit after dance hit, we never thought she would stop. Although, as I stated before, she is our modern day Madonna, and damn it Gaga, you know Express Yourself and Born This Way are the same damn song...
Maybe Gaga is staying back out of the eye of the people because she is going to release something truly amazing, or release whatever the hell that last stuff was she tried to do. Or maybe her time has passed. It doesn't matter if her time is dead and gone, she will always have a following and will always be remembered by the crazy things she did over the years.
We still miss you though. And I'm not going to lie, I'm looking forward to whatever disaster she puts out next. I'll admit it, I'm a monster and I was born this way. So, keep on keepin' on you little Gaga following freaks, because I'm right behind you.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

What is rock music again?

What is rock music again?

I know I talk consistently about rock music but I love it and sadly its dying out. I hate to admit but is it and it sucks... bad
Turn on the radio and what do we hear? T Swift's new heartbreak single. Switch it over, we hear a song called trumpets which clearly doesn't even have trumpets in the song. It's a synth, people. Katy Perry has some sort of flame coming from her chest again, Iggy always has an annoying girl to sing her hook. What in the hell happened to good rock music??!? Don't get me wrong, there are some good bands out there still, Sevendust, Hurt, The Pretty Reckless, but a lot of these band members are middle aged men. What happened to the young guys getting together with their buddies, playing Led Zepplin covers in the garage, then writing their own music and trying to make it big? I mean, I'm sure it still happens, but even if they do get picked up by a label, the label usually changes their style to make it radio worthy.
What the hell is radio worth anyway? Some mindless hook that we fall in love with for two days and then can't stand the song. What happened to music with depth. I always say you can tell it's a good album when you listen to the album for weeks straight, don't listen to it for a few months, then hear it again and if feels so good. I say it's like scratching an itch. It just feels so damn good to hear it again, and you're not tired of it. That is good music.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love my fair share if Lady Gaga, and Iggy (not Iggy pop for you true rock fans), but where is the talent? Where is the rawness of rock, good rock music? It's hard to find, and I'm afraid it's dying out. Rap and pop own the radio station. Music awards rarely show real bands, but show Bruno Mars dancing around in funny outfits instead.
I respect all music, but I wish we had a little more fresh rock. The record labels need to back down and let bands be themselves, not what they think the people are going to want.
Until rock makes a comeback, you can find me zoning off listening to Nirvana and Oleander hoping that true rock is on it's way back to the charts. And to all of you who say rock isn't dead, do the research, listen to today's music, and think about what it was like for our parents 30 years ago, and how it compares to our music now. There is a difference.
Rock on, blogger folk!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Why I hate E!

I hate it so much that flames, flames on the side of my face

So this is a blog about music which is a thing that is often ruined by sites like E! And sadly this makes me very angry and it does most people. Now this is a little off topic but lets talk first lady news.
“Michelle Obama says Sasha and Malia Watch E!” Ok, I’m not sure where to begin… I have no idea how to start this rant. Why in the world do I care if her children are watching E!, and why in the hell does this need to be an article? I mean really, the only reason this caught my attention was because it made me think of how much Mrs. Obama irritates me. And for all of you out there that are going to say I’m a Republic, Obama hating, close-minded bigot, no I’m not. I’m not Republican, I don’t hate anyone, and I most certainly am not a bigot, I just simply do not understand why this needs to be an article.
Now, as I read the short article Michelle was there to talk about an up and coming National Summer Learning Day Fair and how it gets young people ready for college and life, and other things that I’m going to have to worry about in the very near and scary future. But why E!, why did you take one thing Michelle said about her girls watching E! and turn it into a headline?! I get that you are trying to seem cool and popular, but come on!
We have managed to turn our president and his wife into Hollywood. They are out hob knobbing with celebs at awards and galas, inviting popular singers and performers to the White House. I feel we need to keep politics with politics and keep Hollywood IN HOLLYWOOD. Let’s no merge the two, please and thank you.
So, good for you Mrs. Obama for doing something good for the youth of tomorrow, even though sometimes your ideas aren’t good at all, but you’re trying, so I’ll give you that. But, shame on you E! for making a stupid article. It’s well written, and I’m not judging the author, but let’s find something better to write about. I’m sure you can find something better to write about in the world of nudes, Kim, and Amanda Bynes.

Rant complete. Thank you and goodnight!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

1D Predicted to Split in Near Future...

While I hate anything One Direction related, I need something to write about, and the ever-so-popular boy band of today is making teenage girls around the world sob because he has decided to flee the nest. Whatever his name is... Zayn, Zayn, I honestly didn't care enough to read the article that closely, anyway, he left and girls cries flooded the nation. Now there is speculation that the rest of the boys, young men, whatever they are are going to leave the group, causing even more tears and teenage girls screaming "why" into their pillows at night.

Apparently everyone though Styles would be the first to go since he is the "most famous" of the group, yet he is one who remains. It's said that he'll be the next to go since he has so many "connections" in the music industry. Anyway, the children (1D) feels pressured to all take on solo careers. Here's an idea... go ahead and don't start a solo career. Just, sort of fall off the face of the earth and we'll remember you in like 15 years for being a hit boy band. But by that time you'll be fat and no longer "attractive" and won't want to perform, which will be ok, because I still won't care.

So, there's that story. I'm not even sure where to go from here... Do I talk about how shallow their music is, how untalented they truly are. How idiotic people act over this pathetic boy band? What do I even say? I don't know, maybe I'll talk about how I really don't care. For all I do care, they leave and never come back... or better yet take all of the teenage girls who scream their names, and they all can disappear together. The world can thank me later, it's all good.

Well, now that you have all had your 1D information overload for the day, I bid you farewell. I wish you the best boy band idiots from today. I hope you live a fulfilling life and never return. Thank you, and goodnight.


Friday, April 17, 2015

Iggy and Britney... This Should be a Hot Train Wreck...

Apparently early Saturday morning, an interesting thing happened. A video of Iggy A. and Britney S. was leaked. No, it's not what you're thinking... not as hot as you're thinking. It's a music video of the two who have recently came together to do a song together. Now, you may be thinking what I'm thinking. What the hell could these two be doing? Don't get me wrong I love 1999 Britney just as much as the next, and I have a slight guilty pleasure for Iggy, but the white rapper who sounds black, and our, now put together, southern belle (except not really) doing music together. Well, I'll give it a shot.

After Iggy found out about the leak she asked fans to please not share the link because it's not an early release, just a leak. She's happy that the fans have taken to the music already, but it's not time yet people. Fans are for the first time hearing Iggy actually sing too! Which, apparently people were wondering who was singing with Spears when they listened to the song. Iggy tweeted and said "That's me singing the chorus with Britney. I guess you guys have never heard my singing voice before."

Fans seem to be taking a liking to what is about to happen with these two. But what do you think? Is this collaboration a good idea, or simply another pop music failure upon us? I'm not sure what to think... It could go either way. I have managed to stray away from the song and video so I can't actually give my opinion on it yet. But, let it be known that when the song is released I will be one of the first who buy with the mind set of expecting the worst, yet hoping for the best. Once again, judge this rock music lover for having the guilty pleasures of today's horrible pop music. I like it and always will.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My Girlfriend is a Little Joan Jett...

Joan Jett stands at a microphone in a Manhattan recording studio, almost ready to sing. Dressed for rock & roll work in a tight gray jersey, weathered jeans and sneakers, she shakes her arms and bounces on her feet like an impatient boxer. Her jet-black hair is a riot of feathery spikes. And she has a fat, torpedolike joint hanging from her mouth. The smoking, Jett says later, loosens up the edges and range of her distinctively craggy voice.
Jett is making new music today with her longtime band the Blackhearts: the title song to a forthcoming film, Miss You Already, byTwilight director Catherine Hardwicke. Written by Jett, Laguna and guitarist Dougie Needles, the track is a razor-toothed surge of guitars with a hot chorus from the same pop-smart punk-rock pocket as the records that got Jett, 56, into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 18th: the 1981 New Wave anthem "I Love Rock 'N Roll"; her hit covers of Gary Glitter's "Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)" and Tommy James and the Shondells' "Crimson and Clover"; Jett's first solo LP,Bad Reputation; and The Runaways, her 1976 debut, at 17, with that pioneering all-teen, all-female Los Angeles band.She also has "the best shit," according to Kenny Laguna, Jett's manager, co-producer and co-songwriter for the past 35 years. "Keith Richards had some of that," he announces with a hearty laugh, as Jett rolls her number on the mixing board before the take. "Said it gave him flashbacks to 1968."
She still sings like a woman with unfinished business. When she steps to the mic and sings "Miss You Already," a song about loss and precious memories, her performance is feral, frayed and direct. "Great ending, great last verse!" Laguna shouts as Jett returns to the control room. She's not so sure. The two are soon bantering over pitch and timing – Laguna with the high-volume brio of a New York beat cop, Jett in a deep rasp – with the flammable affection of an old married couple, which in a way they are. Laguna has been married to his wife, Meryl, for 44 years. But he and Jett, who is single, have been creative partners since 1979. She was reeling from the collapse of the Runaways and the sexist stigma attached to the group: that girls can't rock. Laguna had a long history in Sixties pop and bubblegum as a writer, producer and keyboard player. 
Jett will continue to create music and bring together people together with her angst, passion and hook lines. Keep doing your thing, Joan!
Source: Joan Jett Rolling Stone Magazine. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Music... That's My Kind of Protest

After  a glimpse of what it takes to be the "Michael Jackson Protestor," Baltimore's Dimitri Reeves shows off his moves and optimism with a performance of Michael Jackson's cover of the Beatles' classic "Come Together." Atop the yellow semi-truck that transports Reeves and his manager Vaughan Mason around the city, the singer and dancer does his best imitation of the King of Pop's iconic performance ticks before jumping into the growing crowd of onlookers.
"We try to show positivity," Reeves says in an interview with the Rolling Stones. "We actually go to the hood areas and try to show love and support for those who are less fortunate and those who just need their minds taken off the negativity."As the city he loves is being torn apart by the controversy and tragedy surrounding Freddie Gray's death due to a mysterious spinal injury while in police custody, Reeves has gained national attention this week for performing classics like "Man in the Mirror" and "Beat It" in front of riot police. He's become known as the "Michael Jackson Protestor," trying to lighten Baltimore's darkness.
The Beatles originally released "Come Together" on their 1969 album Abbey Road. Following Jackson's mid-Eighties purchase of the publishing rights to the Beatles' catalog, the King of Pop recorded and performed his cover several times throughout his career, including a live version that appears in the film Michael Jackson: Moonwalker. A studio version appeared on the album HIStory, which blended a greatest hits compilation with original material.
Keep on keeping on my friend, your pomposity and and peaceful protest is what it's all about. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

"Woo Hoo" ... Song 2

Earlier this week, Blur released an album called The Magic Whip, the first in 16 years from their classic four-man lineup. It's a strong album, one that hits many familiar sweet spots from their days as the most consistently inventive band in Nineties Britpop. It sounded even better last night at Blur's show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. That gambit worked particularly thrillingly on guitar-heavy songs like the growling "Go Out," the punchy, crunchy "Lonesome Street," and the sunny "I Broadcast." This is a sound and an energy that none of lead singer Damon Albarn's many other projects, as great as they are, can create. It's incredibly fun to see in person, and it felt like Albarn, singing over Graham Coxon's distorted noise, Alex James' swaggering bass and Dave Rowntree's solid drumming, was where he belonged.
The free show, hastily arranged with Converse Rubber Tracks, was presented as a gift to Blur's fans. And it was that – Blur have scarcely toured North America in more than a decade, and getting to see them in a venue as intimate as the 550-capacity Brooklyn club was a surreal treat. For the band, it was also a chance to play salesmen: They performed The Magic Whip start to finish (minus the tricky "Ice Cream Man"), making the case directly to fans that this is an album worth caring about in terms more vivid than any Spotify stream or pre-release press could manage.
Albarn isn't much for nostalgia, and his feelings about reuniting with his old band are complicated. "There's a part of me that was always trying to avoid doing this," he told Rolling Stone recently. "But there's a part of me that delights in it, too." Last night, he was all-in. The singer strode across the stage with the biggest grin on his face, liberally splashing the crowd with bottled water. The other guys were smiling, too. 

Finally, they closed with 1997's "Song 2," their biggest American hit. A subversive jolt of satire when it was first written, "Song 2" has long since flipped into a sincere headbanger. All around the room, grown men pogoed high in the air and spilled their beers in excitement. Of course the fans went wilder for those old favorites than the new album they've had barely a week to get to know. But last night, Blur proved they are very much alive and well."I suppose we owe it to you to play a few old songs," Albarn said after a brief encore break. They gave us three. 1997's "Beetlebum" was glorious; the whole room sang along to Albarn's sighing falsetto chorus, and Coxon built up to a raging feedback bonfire. 1994's "Trouble in the Message Centre" was a sweaty present for the true heads (of which there were many, judging by the crowd's reaction). 


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Little Cobain... Montage of Heck

Coming this summer is something I personally cannot wait for... 

Something Nirvana fans will flock for and listen to with hungry

 ears. Kurt Cobain's daughter Frances is executive produced what 

will be described as sort of hanging out with Cobain CD, called 

Montage of Heck.

Montage of Heck will premiere on HBO on May 4th, and in the latest clip from the acclaimed documentary, director Brett Morgen focuses on the relationship between the Nirvana singer and Courtney Love. In a new interview with Love recorded for the film, the Hole frontwoman discussed her eagerness to start a family with Cobain and how they would have had more children if they "had had more time."
Numerous clips from the film have already been released, including Cobain covering the Beatles' "And I Love Her," rocking out in a living room and deciding on the band name "Nirvana." Although Love appears in the documentary, she had no editorial input in the creation of Montage of Heck, which Frances Bean Cobain executive produced.
After a run of film festival screenings, Montage of Heck embarked on a U.S. theatrical run April 24th, in part to make the film eligible for a Best Documentary Feature Academy Award nomination. Morgen, who revealed that the film would likely come to DVD in November, also promised that the Montage of Heck soundtrack would feature an unreleased Cobain acoustic recording, though details of that album have not yet been revealed.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Metallica... Heavy Metal guys with huge hearts

If you are a music fan at all you have heard of and probably have a decent amount of respect for the heavy metal rock band Metallica. Little did you probably know, this amazing band is also a large advocator for cancer awareness and fundraising. It's not very often that you meet heavy metal guys like the band member of Metallica that have such a soft spot for kids struggling with cancer. But these guys not only have big sound but even bigger hearts. 

The leader of this fundraiser is Metallica frontman James Hetfield. Also involved will be Sammy Hagar, and Alice In Chains guitarist Jerry Cantrell will all take part in the second annual Acoustic-4-A-Cure concert on Friday, May 15th at The Masonic in San Francisco. Also joining the show's killer lineup are Red Hot Chili Peppers (Holy S***, yes) and Chickenfoot drummer Chad Smith, Chickenfoot guitarist Joe Satriani, singer Linda Perry and so many amazing artists more.

Tickets will go on sale for this awesome event, this Friday (April 10th) at 10:00 a.m. You can find them on or on Metallica official website.

If you do decide to buy tickets to this killer heavy rock phenomena, all proceeds from the concert will be donated to fund children's brain tumor research at the Pediatric Cancer Program at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, one of the nation's leading children's medical facilities.

This amazing organization; Acoustic-4-A-Cure was created by Hagar and Hetfield, who are both Bay Area residents, who wanted to raise funds and awareness for the Pediatric Cancer Program at UCSF. They saw no better way to do so then by rocking out of course.

This is only the second concert but, last year's inaugural sold-out concert included Hetfield's acoustic rendition of the Beatles' "In My Life," Hetfield, Satriani and Billie Joe Armstrong doing a medley of Bob Seger's "Turn The Page" and Green Day's "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams," and an all-star closing jam of Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Women" With all this to measure but to, This year's concert definitely has it's work cut out for it. But, I promise it will knock your socks off, I mean just look at that line up! so buy tickets now!!!

Word count: 372

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Long Live AD/DC

Imagine being a nurse or an aide at a nursing home. You start your shift, dragging your feet because you are dreading the work day. You're told there is a new resident in the home and you will be taking care of him. Before you start roaming the halls you put in an earbud and Back in Black is first on the shuffle list... You didn't take the time to read up on your new resident because, you're just not feeling it. You sigh and open the door, and who is it you see in the room. Malcolm frickin' Young. The quite guitar playing brother from AC/DC.
Now, this didn't happen, but the talented Young brother is indeed in a nursing home these days, and no longer touring beside his band mates. The 61 year old guitarist was placed in a nursing home by his wife this year due to dementia. Young's band mates had stated that he had been having trouble remembering the music during one of the last tours, and decided it was time to move forward.
It's hard to believe these rock gods that I have looked up to for so many years are now becoming unable to preform the way they used to. Brian Johnson, now lead singer of AC/DC struggled to hit his once strong rock notes, Ozzy tries to stay sharp with his music, but from years of heavy drugs struggles. Pete from The Who, one of the greatest guitar players of all time, struggles with the quickness of playing Pinball Wizard. Ronnie Jame Dio is dead.
Rock is becoming a thing of the past. Music out fathers and mothers used to die for are becoming classics, and music isn't measuring up to how it once was. It's sad to think that I will never have the chance to live in the glory of all of these bands I have listened to for so many years. It breaks my heart to hear the popular music on the radio today having no depth to it.
Malcolm, I hate to say it, but you're probably going to be happier with the music world by not knowing what's going on in it. You classic rock gods paved the way for rock music only for my generation to tear it down. Best of luck to Malcolm and his wife, and his former band mates. Even though Malcolm's brother was always the star of the show, my quiet man, Malcolm will always be my favorite of the Young brothers.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Nicki, Nicki Manage why?

Nicki, Nicki, Nicki... Why?

The ever so... Interesting... Nicki Manage is at it again after releasing a lyric version of her newest song, "Only". While this is simply a lyric video she released, Manage still managed to get everyone fired up and talking. What is it that got people stirring you're wondering? Well, in the video it depicts a cartoon version of a hip hop, nazi Germany. Yep, good job Nicki, now everyone thinks you hate Jews.
Nicki then fired back saying she is now dating a Jew. I'm sure he loves the endearing term, no name, just that he's Jewish.
So, here we go... What do you think? I'll include a link to the video. Reminder the lyrics are rather explicit, so watch at your own risk. Did the rap diva take it too far this time? Or is it a simple piece of art?
Here's what I think...  Nicki, well she's doing what every artist is trying to do, gain attention and popularity. I'm not saying that I like what she did, but it's her right to showcase her art however she pleases. As I have stated before, even bad publicity is still publicity. It get people talking. It gets your name out there and gets them talking around the water cooler. Like I said, I don't like it, but I don't like her, but she did what she wanted us all to do, and that's talk about her. So, I give ear credit there.
As for bringing the image of Nazi Germany into this, well, I mean it is part of history, but she includes Drake in the video as a priest of some kind and the others, which I don't even remember their names or care to double check, that's how much I care about them... But the others are as what looks to be like higher ranking officers in the Nazi army. Yeah... I'm not even sure what the song has to do with what her cartoon video is. The song is filled with the "F" word and horrible raps.
So, good job Nicki, you got people talking about you! I still think you're an idiot though. And if you're offended by the video, my advice to you is, well, don't watch it. When I am offended by things, I tend to stay away from it, not dwell on it and few the situation fuel.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Anchor Me, The Tenors

So for those of you who have not read my blog let me just let you in on a little secret. I love ballads. Like more then anything in the world. They are sad yet happy and just always make me feel better by the end. They are absolutely perfect. Speaking of perfect ballads let's talk about one of my favorites, Anchor Me by The Tenors. I may be slightly biased since this is my girlfriend and I's song. And it was also the ballad of my show choir last year but who cares? never the less it is a passionate and moving song. It inspired me to let go and truly learn the meaning of leave it all on the stage.

"I have no more strength left
 Can you stand and fight?
 I'm dying in this doubt
 Can you be my faith tonight?"

With lyrics like this I could not help but break down on stage while performing this beautiful song. We performed this song for showchoir when I was going through probably one of the hardest things a teenage can attempt to overcome. I was in the process of coming out not only to my self but to my catholic family. Fun right? No, coming out is never fun. I mean what is fun about standing in front of people you love and telling them that you are different, no one want to be different, at least I don't, I just want to blend in with the crowd. Anyway my point I that this song is very inspirational and it helped me through a very tough time. And I think it could do that for many of you so take a few minutes to listen to it now if you never have ever this elegantly beautiful song. 
Everyone has hardships in life. Everyone has path they are meant to take, lessons they must learn, obstacles to overcome, no person's just like the next. And it's over coming this thing that make us who we are. And one great way of over coming obstacles and coping with the issues at hand is music. It allows you to express yourself in a way like no other. I can tell you for sure that if it weren't for music like Anchor Me I wouldn't be writing this blog right now. So next time you feel like you cant go now turn on some tunes and just relax. who knows maybe Anchor me will pop next on your Pandora.

Word count: 417

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Glee is over..... Finally

We all remember the hoopla when the hit TV series GLEE first premiered in 2009. It was like no TV show before it, it followed a couple of high schoolers who were trying to start up their school GLEE club with actually turned into a showchoir. I loved the show when it first started although it was nothing like actually showchoir which I was involved in myself. It had a great story line for first few seasons and of course they did some killer remakes of a few classics that we all know and love. Glee was very inspirational for many kids and teens. I can attest to this myself being a gay teenager in the world today. With confident out and proud characters like Kurt, Blaine, and even the sassy Santana it gave kids the courage to come out in their own school because like Kurt finds out often times the people who make fun of you the most are the ones who are more self conscious then anyone.  Gay struggles are not the only thing that it 6 year old series covered, they also covered divorce issues, remarried of parents, parental deaths, learning acceptance of all, and low self confidence. These are all things that we know kids are forced to deals with in high school and shows and powerful characters like those in GLEE help kids when having to deal with these life issues.

Glee also created a lot of controversy with it on camera make out sessions with young gay couple Kurt and Blaine. While I personally loved their kisses on camera because of its portrayal of love between any age, sex, or creed. I know many however do not feel this way. Many see this as wrong and inappropriate but to be completely frank screw those people because love does come in all shapes and sizes and I know for sure the on camera kisses like that gave nothing but courage to kids who were in the process of coming out or even who just dream of the day that they will have the courage to.

While GLEE was not the best in it last few seasons after the main characters graduated and they tried to introduce new ones it is still a TV show that changed the history of TV shows and is one that I will never forget GLEE changed a lot of peoples lives and will hopefully continue to for many years to come. Long live the GLEEKS.

word count: 416

Sunday, January 25, 2015

All of Me, John Legend

       So I know I am a little late with this one. But, come on let's face it, All of Me by John Legend is going to be a classic. It was already the most popular wedding song of 2014 and I'm sure that it is also many couples "first dance". I am sure this song was often on repeat on many girl's iPhones after their terrible break-up with their soul mate. For me this song is special because it is the first song I ever recorded for my girlfriend on her birthday. Either way we all know that whether you like to admit or not you love this song. That's right don't deny it, yeah I'm talking to you guys who hoped this post would be about Buckcherry or some other rock band. Come on you know you love this song. Also if you are looking for a post about some heavier music bands just wait because I always make sure to include those as well. With of course the occasionally post about how much I love Tswift.

       Enough about how much girls and even grown men go crazy over this lovely soon to be classic, let's get down to business here the stuff that really matters, let's talk music. This song instrumentally is beautiful. Words are not even needed to show the emotion John Legend was trying to convoy. His incredible piano playing can say every word he was feeling, even though the notes themselves aren't all that complicated. But, that is also what makes this song beautiful, the simplicity. And the fact that John Legend has the voice of an angel. If you have read my previous posts you know that simplicity is key, I love simply music that can just draw you in and calm you down simply with a smooth rhythm and a sick beat. And if you know me as a person you know that I am a sucker for any kind of ballad. Any kind of good ballad that is, I'm not about those crappy showchoir ballads, I love simply instrumental ballad ballads with tender, soft, and gorgeous singing. Also for my piano players out there, this is a great song to learn whether you are just starting to learn or if you are a master simply trying to impress the ladies ;) Here's the sheet music to it, if you are interested.

      Bottom line, this is an amazing song. It will be played for years as an anthem of love and for some people, it's the first song there will remember dancing to with their spouse and that pretty cool if you ask me. So thanks John Legend for your amazing voice and for this gorgeous song.   

Word Count: 452

Joan Jett and The Blackhearts & Heart

So I am not your average teenage girl. I don't enjoy listening to boy bands or Katy Perry. I don't know Naill Horan's shoe size or who 5 seconds of summer even is. I listen to bands like Styx and Queen. I love 80's hair bands and any kind of classic rock band. Which is why I flipped when I heard that Joan Jett and the Blackhearts AND Heart are coming to play at the US Cellular Center here in Cedar Rapids Iowa!!! I was like UMMM no freaking way. I immediately went on ticketmaster and tried to see much tickets were. $86.93. For $86.93 I could go see Joan Jett and the Blackhearts AND Heart. NO FREAKING WAY!! I have never been to a concert in my life and I have wanted to go so bad!! Plus who wouldn't want to see these two amazing bands play at the US Cellular center. I know I would. And I know any feminist within a 100 mile radius would since Joan Jett herself is one of the biggest feminist in the music industry. And not to mention the QUEEN of rock n' roll.

So let's talk about the music of Joan Jett and The Blackhearts. We all know the big hits like "I love Rock n' Roll" and "I hate myself for Loving you". But there's a deeper meaning to all of her music and I guess that's why I love it. She write all of her own music from her own experiences. She first stated off founding The Runaways with co-musicians Sandy West, Jackie Fox, Lita Ford, and Cherie Currie. After the band broke up Joan Jett tried going solo in England. With little success she later formed The Blackhearts with producer Kenny Laguna's help. The Blackhearts were very successful in their first few years and continue to tour across the country,

So now that you have a little background, tell me how you could turn down going to see Joan Jett and the Blackhearts AND Heart. And for only $86.93!!! That's right you can't! So get in the mood start blaring that Joan Jett cassette you brought at the CD store for $3. And get psyched for one of the best shows you will ever see! I mean I assume, I have never seen their show, but I hear great things! And go by your tickets now before they sell out!!! Go NOW!

Papa Roach....YES

Papa Roach formed in 1993. They struggled for a few years before finally a few year later when heavy metal reached it peak once again. Their first album "Infest" had bunch of real cool songs  like the hit we all know and love;  "Last resort". The band had a sound that not many had heard but was often compared to Korn. Though personally I think Korn is no match for the Almighty Papa Roach.
Papa Roach's new album stick to their trademarks while also trying to feel out the new concepts in heavy metal music nowadays. The interesting thing this time was the fact that the band went into the studio with, according to Jerry Horton "having nothing". It seems That is worked for them since the songs had such a great impact and spoke to their audience. While no album can be as good as the first, the album F.E.A.R dared to change that norm.

The first single release of the F.E.A.R album was called "Broken as me". The mighty riff that begins the song is immediately correlated with Papa Roach's killer riffs that make their songs so catchy and freaking awesome. This can also be said for the way the track is build, it just sounds like a Papa Roach track. Another clear tell is the melodic chorus, it plays as an essential part of the songs, as well as Jacoby Shaddix screams in the bridge, for those of you who aren't into heavy metal who should probably just stop reading now.

Though we didn't think it was possible, Papa Roach find a way to make thing eve more melodic on beats like the catchy  "Love me till it hurts" and "Warriors". My favorite part of this album was the tracks that started with some electronica that comes back throughout the entire song. There is Horton's heavy riffs integrated in the song too which only further its level of awesomeness in my book 

I have to say, the keyboards are definitely making a come back in the more popular songs. The opener "Face everything and rise" is a good example of this. But Papa Roach manages to always keep the song rocking without drifting away into the fields of pop like most bands nowadays. This is one of my favorite album's and it just always lifts me up and gives me the strength to believe in myself and I want it to do the same for you guys. So if you haven't checked out this killer album, go now!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The One. The Only. Alisabeth.

I'm going to go ahead and do a review of my good friend Alisabeth's  new album, My Foolish Heart.
This album was released in August of 2014 and has taken Cedar Rapids by storm. She had a debut concert at Brucemore's Calbert in the Courtyard, which was sold out almost immediately. From there Alisabeth has done a few more performances in Cedar Rapids and has also released two new music videos off of her new album, Sleeze and I'm Just Not. I will provide links now if you're interested in checking them out, which I suggest you do.

Alisabeth takes her unique sound and put her heart and soul into this new album with touching ballads and potential radio hits. Right off the bat your ears are flooded with a pop/punk type sound with Sleeze and Satisfy Me. The two are bound to be radio hits, catchy sound and lyrics pull you in. From there we take on a few ballads which you can tell she has poured her heart and soul into. What's fun if you ever have the opportunity to see Alisabeth live, she tells a story before each one of her songs, and where the ideas came from. Interesting enough a lot of the music was written in her car in various parking lots.

While I love her pop/punk sound, I feel the album strays away from that are really focuses on her ballads. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but I feel she should stick to a more upbeat sounds to keep the crowed dancing through the night. I feel she is sort of stuck on which direction she wants to go, but I know once she chooses what music style she wants to stick with, she's going to own the world.

I don't want to go into too much detail over the album, even though I said I was doing a full length review, because well, I want you to go out and BUY IT! Local artist, support her and her work and check it out on iTunes. It will be worth it, I promise.

Props to you, my friend! Work what you got, Girl!

Gas Prices and Music Work Together...

I have never really given it a thought. Every band needs to travel, duh, but the coast of hoping in a tour van, tour bus, or several vehicles to drag around all of your gear is going to cost you a lot. Hell, I used to struggle keeping enough gas in my tank to do my everyday tasks... Until this glorious thing happened. A gift from the vehicle Gods graced all of us with the decline in gas prices. It started in June, and has only gotten more glorious over time. We are sitting at here in Iowa, $1.87 on average for a gallon of gas. That makes me beyond happy, and makes our favorite bands even happier.

Like I said before, I never thought about bands fueling their huge tour buses until I ran across and article that stated bands are saving as much as $22,000 over 30 tour dates. That is awesome! But you know what's even better... that means that bands have the ability to lower their ticket prices. Now, I'm not saying they have, because I keep an eye on concert ticket prices, and depending on what group you want to see, tickets are still pretty ridiculously expensive. But, maybe with time, these prices will lower, or the band members will put a little more money in their pocket. I don't know...

Fun fact for you though, bands who are just starting out will most likely still have day jobs. Here's why... Think about it, you have to pay to get all of your equipment to the venue, you have to pay to have people help you unload and be sound techs, you have to pay someone to administer your work, you have to pay someone to record your songs, and then you have to pay for your merchandise to set out at your concert. A venue is only probably going to hire your for a few thousand dollars. So, after you pay everyone who has made this possible for you, you have to divvy up all of your remaining money between you and your band mates, which you could have anywhere from 3 to 6 guys. Let's be honest, there's not going to be much for you to take home. Venues are going to keep the profit of ticket sales, unless you know you're going to pack the house, and you can work out a deal where you take a percentage of the ticket sales. But, even then you have to be a decent size band to make that come true. So, moral of this story, my dream of wanting to be a rockstar is probably never going to become true because I don't want to have to scrape by my entire life playing gigs hoping to get signed one day.

But, gas prices are awesome and they're helping everyone. So, hooray for now! Ask me this summer what I think of gas prices. I may have a different opinion of the world then...


Thursday, January 15, 2015

I Have a Confession About TSwift...

Let's take a moment to discuss this new issue I am having trouble dealing with. It's hard to admit, and I'm quite embarrassed to do so, but I simply can not help it. I'm going to be brave here, and say something that might shock many of you. Some of you may hate me, some of you may love me even more, but this is going to be very difficult. Even more difficult than me coming out as gay. Are we all ready? (Deep breath...) Ok, I... I... I LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT. That's right! I have fallen in love with her new pop hits that have taken over the radio waves. I can't help it, I just can't. It's all so catchy and fun to sing, and I hate Taylor and myself for it, but dammit, I love her new music.

Wow, now that that just happened let's take a moment to recap that I do still enjoy my classic rock bands, modern rock bands, and I still have respect for myself and still dislike Nickleback. But, TSwift has done something to many of us that we simply cannot explain. Why did she make us love her? Why has she done this?? I can't help but crank up the stereo when I hear Shake It Off. I even do a little dance in my car when it happens. And Blank Space... I can't. I can't even. I love the song and the music video. She's making fun of herself in the video. How can you not like someone who has the capability of making fun of themselves?

I used to hate TSwift and everything about her. Her music, her insanity, the fact that all of her songs are about petty relationships she has had since she was 14, but now, it's like she's grown up and is actually doing something that people can enjoy. She is making us fall in love with her. I don't know how she's doing it. Every time I hear her songs in the car I just have to sing. It's like I'm part of the TSwift cult now, and it scares me, I'm not going to lie. But, I'm just going to have to take this day by day until I fully accept my love for her and her music.

So, now that I have that on my chest, I feel I can continue blogging being my true self. You all deserved to know what I have been hiding for quite some time now. If you hate me, well, the haters gunna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, but I'm just gunna shake it off, shake it off. :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

No, You Won't Be Beyonce

No, You Won't Be Beyonce...

It has been announced that Katy Perry will be preforming at halftime February 1st, during the Super Bowl. An estimated 115 million viewers will be tuned in to see what Katy has to give us this year, and she's not afraid to admit she's nervous. In an interview she stated that it's going to be "different". Which isn't always a bad things. She also apparently nervously stated that she won't be like Beyonce, but again said it will be "different". I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous for her. I can't imagine being in front of that many people waiting for me to mess up so it can be talked about all over the news the next day. Perry will also have famous helpers beside her onstage during her performance but only reveled one of them.

Last year Bruno Mars preformed at the Super Bowl, and as well all remember, the queen herself, performed the year before that, some even say Beyonce's performance was so hot that she was the reason for the blackout. ;) Anyway, while those performances were great, and I loved watching both of them perform, I'm not going to lie, nothing will ever top 2004 Super Bowl infamous nip slip of Janet Jackson while performing with Justin Timerlake. We can now thank those two for the 5 second delay on all live television. We may never again see a glorious slip like that ever again. But really, Katy Perry should be trying to live up to those two, not the other performers over the past couple of years. The day you can make my jaw drop the way Jackson and Timberlacke did, well, then my dear, you have succeeded in life. I'm all about controversy on TV.

So, question to you blogger world, how do you think Katy Perry is going to do? Do you think she's going to nail it, or are we going to talk about her performance for a few days after, and then forget about it after a month or two? Or is it going to be 2004 Super Bowl talk worthy? I'm not a big fan of Katy Perry, the only thing I like about her is her cat's name Kitty Purry, not that ladies and gentlemen, that is funny. But, I do hope she does well, or I hope she fails so bad I'm still entertained. Who knows, I'm just excited for the Super Bowl. Carry on, good people.


Don't You Forget About Me, Simple Minds

Think back to the 80's. And if you weren't alive in the 80's don't worry, neither was I, but think about everything you know about the 80's. Think about the music, the movies, the pop culture, everything. Now think of the most popular, most amazing, best 80's movie ever. You thought of the Breakfast Club right? Alright, alright  maybe you thought of Dirty Dancing or Sixteen Candles, but come on we all know the Breakfast Club is up there. I know you are thinking what does the Breakfast Club have to do with music, but take a second what song plays at the end of the movie creating one of the most iconic scenes in movie history. Don't You Forget About me by the incredibly talented and unrated Simple Minds became an anthem for teens all over the nation. When Bender (played by Judd Nelson) the "Criminal" of the movie, throws up his fist as a sign of satisfaction of winning over the "Prom Queen" no one can help but smile. We all know the feeling of accomplishing something you never thought was possible and that exactly what John Bender did that day, he accomplished the impossible.
Anyway enough about this incredibly perfectly written movie that just happens to be my favorite. Let's get down to business, the sick beat that started it all. Simple Minds was a not very well known Scottish rock band formed by a couple of guys in 1976. They tried and tried for success and it finally all paid off in 1984 when John Hughes said he wanted to use their song in his new movie "The Breakfast Club". The job was originally offered to Elton John but he turned it down and thank god he did, because personally I know I wouldn't want any song other than "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simples Minds to play at the perfectly ended iconic film.
Simples Minds took off from there coming out with some other hits such as "Alive and Kicking" and "Belfast Child". They even went on to win many British Music awards. But, like many other 80's Bands "Don't You Forget About Me" seemed to be their one big hit and rightfully so, I mean how do you measure up to one of the most iconic movie endings ever? Bottom line you can't. Simple Minds is in the mist of revival, thanks to lead singer Jim Kerr, He's taking a more solo route this time, but nonetheless still a killer band. If you want to hear more of their stuff go to ITunes and check out their new album or go now to their website and get tickets for their new tour set to start this year! But, no matter what GO WATCH THE BREAKFAST CLUB and be reminded of this killer old hit song and the classic film it was the anthem of.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Belieber's Need to Calm Down

Belieber's Need to Calm Down

50 Cent, rapper, big time tough guy in the early 2000's, is now being bashed by 12 year old girls for misspelling teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber's name. Apparently the rapper tweeted that people should stop following the idiot heartthrob of music, saying he's a baby, but once he posted Bieber's name spelled "Beiber" 12 year old females around the world cried out against the rapper. 50 cent went on to say he doesn't want to be put up against Bieber fans because they won't let anything get by them.

So, I'm not even going to ask you of blogger world any questions, because this irritates me more than you know. Back off Cindy from Michigan, Bieber doesn't know who you are, doesn't care who you are, and will never be in love with you the way you hope he one day will. He's an idiot, and you young girls need to set your standards a little higher. Go for someone with some talent or something. You know what, they don't even need that much talent, just go for someone with half a brain, and who doesn't think they are God's gift to this earth. 50 cent was shot nine times for Gods sake, and he's afraid of the troop of tweens that are now out for blood because he misspelled Bieber's name. I will spell that idiots name however I please. In fact, for the rest of this blog, Bieber will now be referred to as Idiot. That's his new name. Hate on me, I dare you.

Now, don't get me wrong, some of his music is catchy, and I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I don't have some of Idiot's songs on my iPod, but what I can tell you is his involvement with drugs, his excessive partying and other shenanigans are uncalled for. People make excuses for him and they say he's being made an example of because he is famous. Or that he's young, and we all do stupid things when we are young, which we do, but most 18 year old's that are doing stupid stuff aren't wrecking $100,000 vehicles, and then managing to get out of going to jail because they have so much money they can buy their way out. He needs to be made an example of.

Anyway, we got so far off topic it isn't even funny, but I feel better and that's all that really matters here. Bottom line, I like 50 cent more that Idiot (Bieber, in case you forgot that is his name now). And for all you tween girls out there, calm your shit.
